You know that saying, Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover? Well I totally do. And I'm not talking about people here (although I probably do that sometimes too). I'm talking about actual books.
One of the things that attracts me to YA books is their awesome covers. Publishers have really figured that all out because there are some great and beautiful book covers out there. Some of my faves- Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series all have great covers, Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush and Crescendo, and of course the Twilight covers are very unique but beautiful.
One book that I'd been dying to read, based on its cover alone, was "Fallen" by Lauren Kate. I don't think I'd even read the blurb about it before I started reading it, that's how much the cover drew me. Who knows why exactly, but something about that cover alone made me want to read the book. And the book delivered. It was great and it kept me reading late into the night (which is probably why I'm sick now). I found the mystery surrounding Daniel easy to figure out, but I was surprised by the rest of the characters and the ending didn't go like I was expecting it to. That's always a good thing. And she left questions unanswered which some people find annoying but it makes me anxious for the next book. Definitely a book I'd recommend.
Speaking of covers, not like I'll have any say if it ever comes to that, but I'm thinking of just a sword. Or a girl holding a sword. Or one side of the girls face showing with the sword blocking the other side (although Rampant kind of already did that one). Or a half of a man's face (Alric) and a half of a girls face (Jessica) with the sword in the middle separating the two faces. I tried to figure out how to make one myself but my talents definitely don't run in the computer/images/editing vein. Too bad.