Wednesday Writes: Fingers Crossed

I had a whole one paragraph post ready for last week about how I was still plugging away at JAR OF HEARTS revisions. I decided not to post it cuz who needs even one paragraph to say what I just did in one sentence?

Anyway, I finished those revisions last week. It wasn't anything major- just going through beta notes and a major change on one scene. Now it's done and query ready (which I've already started) and I can set it aside for a bit to focus on my NA retelling. So that's what I'm doing now. I started reading through this NA story during the summer but I had to put it aside to do SWAY edits. I'm hoping now I'll have time to focus on it, read it through, make edit notes, and get started on adding a second POV through the story. Lots to do with this one but I've got high hopes for it.

What have you been writing?