Well, I still haven't done any writing. But I don't feel like a slacker, not at all. Last week, I took part in a week-long Facebook event for the launch of THEN COMES WINTER (an Austenesque holiday anthology in which I have a short story). I only hosted for an hour but I tried to take part as much as I could during the week. It was the first time I've done anything like that and I had a lot of fun, so I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all.
I've also decided on ROMANCE BOOK #3. Book #1 is of course, SWAY, which comes out in just over a month! Book #2 is COLLIDE, which is currently with my CPs. I'd like to make it a round three books, but I had no clue what classic I wanted to retell this time. But I found it!
I'm going to keep it on the DL for now because I feel like if I blab, I'll jinx something. But for now, I'm planning on just how to write it, how I'm going to tie-in both SWAY and COLLIDE, the format of the book (because I want to do something a little different than the last two), and then I'm going to get outlining. I'm super excited about this... I think it's gonna be good!