Woo-hoo! I wrote more than two thousand words today. Woo-hoo! Oh wait, I said that already. Who cares, woo-hoo!
It's funny, because if I really put my mind to it, I could probably write a book in two months, three max. Daze and Knights took me five but I hadn't even finished the first half in the first three. Book 2 has taken me WAAAAY longer but that's mostly because I keep putting it aside so I can re-edit Daze. And then I go in spurts, writing tons in just a few days and then nothing for like a week. If only I could be consistent. But sometimes writing falls by the kids/cooking/cleaning/reading/blogging/visitingteaching/querying/yougettheidea wayside.
In another life, I live completely alone, have a maid and a cook, and have all day long to write zillions of books a year. I'm probably also very lonely and slightly crazy in that life. Ok, more than slightly. I'm slightly crazy now, so totally crazy is probably more accurate. Anyway, I guess I'll take what I can get. Trying daily to balance life as a mother and wife and all that entails, and writing. It's not always easy and I don't always succeed. But I'm sure as heck trying.
I read I Am Number Four over the weekend. I've seen the movie and I found the book very similar. I like it when movies stay close to their book origins. I couldn't help but picture Alex Pettyfer throughout, although I think he'll be way better as my Alric than the alien John Smith. Voice was lacking through the book, but the storyline, and maybe the fact that I knew what was coming, kept me reading. So the book was okay, maybe not as good as I wanted it to be. But that happens sometimes when I see the movie first. I expect the book to be AMAZING, and sometimes it just isn't, probably because it has lost its newness. It was a good book though and if you haven't seen the movie, or even if you have, give it a try. I am interested to see where "Pittacus Lore" (I put his name in brackets because that's not his real name) takes the story. And reading it made me want to watch the movie again. Or maybe Alex Pettyfer's the reason. Ha!
It's funny, because if I really put my mind to it, I could probably write a book in two months, three max. Daze and Knights took me five but I hadn't even finished the first half in the first three. Book 2 has taken me WAAAAY longer but that's mostly because I keep putting it aside so I can re-edit Daze. And then I go in spurts, writing tons in just a few days and then nothing for like a week. If only I could be consistent. But sometimes writing falls by the kids/cooking/cleaning/reading/blogging/visitingteaching/querying/yougettheidea wayside.
In another life, I live completely alone, have a maid and a cook, and have all day long to write zillions of books a year. I'm probably also very lonely and slightly crazy in that life. Ok, more than slightly. I'm slightly crazy now, so totally crazy is probably more accurate. Anyway, I guess I'll take what I can get. Trying daily to balance life as a mother and wife and all that entails, and writing. It's not always easy and I don't always succeed. But I'm sure as heck trying.
I read I Am Number Four over the weekend. I've seen the movie and I found the book very similar. I like it when movies stay close to their book origins. I couldn't help but picture Alex Pettyfer throughout, although I think he'll be way better as my Alric than the alien John Smith. Voice was lacking through the book, but the storyline, and maybe the fact that I knew what was coming, kept me reading. So the book was okay, maybe not as good as I wanted it to be. But that happens sometimes when I see the movie first. I expect the book to be AMAZING, and sometimes it just isn't, probably because it has lost its newness. It was a good book though and if you haven't seen the movie, or even if you have, give it a try. I am interested to see where "Pittacus Lore" (I put his name in brackets because that's not his real name) takes the story. And reading it made me want to watch the movie again. Or maybe Alex Pettyfer's the reason. Ha!