Raimond Cover Reveal!

Today I’m pleased to welcome back Anne Marie Andrus, author of MONSTERS & ANGELS! Today she’s going to share the cover and a little bit about her upcoming prequel, RAIMOND.

Happy October 11th !


Happy 1st Book Birthday to Monsters & Angels !

To celebrate the occasion, I’m thrilled to share my brand-new cover for Raimond…the prequel to Monsters & Angels.


Yes—prequel. Why am I writing books out of order? Let me explain.

After the successful release of Monsters, exactly 1 year ago, I went straight to work writing the sequel. My readers demanded it.

OMG, it sounds surreal to say that, but they all wanted to know. . .

What happens next?

What happens to Sorcha?

What happens to Raimond?

And then I realized how much I didn’t know and the incredible story I was still driven to write.

This book is dedicated to

my extraordinary readers,

who knew Raimond was the true star of this show

long before I did.

Vive la magie!

Sometimes, in order to move forward, we all need to take a step back.

Pre-Order Raimond Now!

Cover design by Eight Little Pages —Thank you Claire!!

And now for the cover……………….

Isn’t it gorgeous! I love it! If you want to know more about Anne Marie Andrus, Monsters & Angels, and Raimond, check out her website and find her on Facebook!