Since I'll be keeping track of my writing goals with Ready. Set. WRITE! my Wednesday Writes posts will be just a short check-in. I thought of quitting them altogether until RSW is over, but this will give me that one bit of extra accountability to make sure I'm staying on track.
As of Monday, I set a goal to finish critiquing a CPs manuscript and work on revisions of JAR OF HEARTS. I finished critiquing on Monday, and on Tuesday I revised three chapters of JofH. So I'm well on my way and feeling good. I also wrote up a 1st draft query for JofH and sent it to a CP to see what she thinks. I'm hoping to have this MS ready for PitchWars starting in August and I think I'll make it since this is third of fourth (or fifth) revision now... clearly I've lost track. But I think/hope/pray that this MS is getting to where it needs to be.
If you want to participate in Ready. Set. WRITE! check out the link above. And stop back tomorrow for my cover reveal for SWAY!!!