I usually do a Best Book of the Month post, often linking up with YA Highway. I haven't the last two months because I was busy with NaNo. So now, I'm going to try and choose the best book out of everything I read in October and November. Good luck with that. Here's what I read:
Twelve books, and I'm supposed to pick???
Surprisingly (to me, anyway), my top pick(s) would be Just One Day and Just One Year. They are both amazing contemp books. I don't know what it is about Gayle Forman's books, but I devour them. You'd think contemporary wouldn't be that page-turning, but her books always are.
I have to give a huge shout-out to United We Spy by Ally Carter. It was a great end to a great series. She's a fave author of mine and I can't wait to read through the entire series again one day.
My last mention has to go to The Dream Thieves. Another awesome series. I can't can't can't wait until the third book. Not only because I want to know how the trilogy ends, but because I'm going to reread books one and two and I'm excited to do that!
What have you read lately? Any new books that I should be putting on my TBR pile?