Requiem and Star Cursed

It's Tuesday, which for me means laundry, bathroom cleaning, and more enjoyably... a Teaser or two!

I finished Requiem by Lauren Oliver, the final book in the Delirium Trilogy. I really liked the book, although I wanted a little bit more wrap-up at the end of the series. It really didn't END. But maybe that's just me. Also, I loved that she did Hana's POV, but I wanted more from her too. I wanted Hana to do more, and she just didn't. I really really really want to tease with the very last few paragraphs of the book, but OF COURSE I can't do that. But they're brilliant. Here's my real teaser that doesn't give away the end:

Maybe they're right. Maybe we are driven crazy by our feelings. Maybe love is a disease, and we would be better off without it.
But we have chosen a different road. And in the end that is the point of escaping the cure: We are free to choose.
We are even free to choose the wrong thing. (page 23)

And my second teaser from the book I'm reading now- Star Cursed, the sequel to Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood:

I cannot imagine a life without books.
Without Father's stories of the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, without pirate stories and fairy tales and poems. Without the hope of another way, of freedom and adventure beyond what we have here and now. How dark life would be. (page 39)

How dark indeed. What are you reading this week?