Bits and Bobs

I've got nothing concrete to post about today, but there are a few things buzzing around in my brain that I think deserve a mention. This is like my own way-less-cool (and way shorter) version of YA Highway's Field Trip Friday. (And seriously, you should check that out every Friday because they provide the best links and news.)

If you've ever wondered about small presses and the advantages/disadvantages of signing with one, Tangled Up In Words dubbed the month of February Small Press 411. There's so much information there, it's a must-read for every author.

Brenda Drake has started another Pitch Madness competition. Check out her blog for details ASAP- the submission window is today only! (Dang, I wish Sway was ready!)

March is a month full of awesome movies coming out on DVD. My poor poor bank account.

Have you heard? Michael Buble is coming out with a new CD! I heart him so much and I love his new song. Here's a sneak peak...

Happy weekend!