Catching Fire and LDS Blogfest

     This is gonna be Hunger Games week on my blog. Just warning you. Since I'm reading Catching Fire right now, my teaser for Teaser Tuesday (hosted by Miz B. at Should Be Reading) comes from there.

"My nightmares are usually about losing you," Peeta says. "I'm okay once I realize you're here." (Catching Fire, page 86)

Awww. Go Team Peeta!

     And just another little note, completely non-Hunger Games related: I'm signing up for the LDS Writer Blogfest again this year. Usually Krista over at Mother.Write. hosts it but this year Kayeleen over at Kayeleen's Creation Corner will be setting it all up. So if you're an LDS writer, head over to her blog and sign up. It's a great blogfest where we all blog about a favorite conference talk.
     Happy Tuesday!