Wednesday Writes... Or Something

So I haven't really been writing these past couple of weeks. First, I was researching marketing like crazy, trying to figure out my marketing plan and what will work best for me. Then it was All About That Website, ie: mine. I've pretty much got the thing built on a free-trial, but I still have to purchase the domain and do a few more things with it. Then, I started beta reading some chapters of a CP's new MG, and a different YA.

I also did my first ever "speaking engagement" at my local writer's group. They wanted to hear about my publishing journey so far. That was a lot of fun and also nerve-wracking- the group is small but I was still super nervous about it. It went well though, and it's made me excited for what's to come!
I really hope this is NOT what the writer's group was thinking while I spoke

I'd like to get back to my latest WIP soon. It's still in first draft form so it needs a lot of work, plus an added POV, but I probably won't start that until I've finished beta-ing.

What was your writing week like?