Wednesday Writes: Stressin'

I'm more than halfway through my revision/second-POV-adding of COLLIDE and most days I'm feeling really good about it. It's not there yet, obvs- once I'm done I'll have to go back to the beginning and read it through to make sure the dual POV works and the chapters are in the right place, then I'll send it to CPs. But I think it's going well.

Until... I'll get these crazy moments of total unworthiness. Like, maybe I'm screwing up this retelling SO BAD that everyone is going to hate it. Someone said recently that they're really excited for this book and I was all

I've searched Goodreads and Google and haven't found any other NORTH & SOUTH retellings. There are some continuation stories, or retelling in that time period, and I believe there might be some on fanfiction sites, but no modern day published books. (If there are, please tell me, I'd love to read one.) So this leaves me feeling the pressure. People love this story, what if I screw it up?! Of course, I know I'm not going to meet everyone's expectations, that'll never happen no matter what. But still, I'm stressin'.

For anyone who thinks writing retellings is easy, hahahahaha. They're SO not. Anyway, there's nothing for it but to press forward with the book and make it the best I can make it and hopefully that ends up being enough.